These are dreamy, sea-blue aragonite towers.
Aragonite is chemically similar to calcite mineral and comes in many forms and colors. Usually its raw form has an acicular (needle/point shaped) and/or orthorhombic (rectangular lattice and base shape) crystal habit.
Blue aragonite is naturally and predominately blue (sea blue) and often occurs with a little white and brown aragonite. It is common to find vivid ocean blue segments in the stone, as well, which can be semi-translucent. The stone, when polished, is typically full of beautiful crystalline vugs and pits, which are natural and desirable characteristics of blue aragonite.
This beautiful stone is associated with the throat, third eye, and heart chakras, the orisha goddess Yemoja (aks Yemaya), the elements of water and air, the zodiac sign of Capricorn and the planet earth.
Blue aragonite symbolizes communication, divine guidance, stress-relief, calmness, relaxation, enlightenment, clarity, fluidity, intuition, growth, compassion, understanding, and knowledge.
Ideal settings for these towers are in bedrooms or any other locations where sleep, lounging and relaxation take place.